What’s Life About?

“What’s the point of life?”

There’s a question a lot of people are asking themselves. What’s the point? Why are we here? What are we here to do? A lot of people think that life is all about success. Getting the top job at work. Beating out your competition. No matter what it takes, just being the best.

So is that enough?

Not by a long shot.

Yes, God wants us to be successful, but He doesn’t want it to get in the way of what’s REALLY important. He doesn’t want our life to be full of worldly achievements. We’re here on this earth to honor and glorify God, and to be a witness to others wherever we go. If all people see is a insatiable desire to win, win win, they’re aren’t going to see much of God in your life. And having a boastful attitude about your success doesn’t exactly sweeten the already sour deal. If all they see is someone totally focused on nothing and no one else except themselves, they might even be surprised to find out you’re a Christian. Would you want that to be you? One of your friends is talking to someone and mention your going to church, and all the person can say is “Wait…she goes to church?” or “You mean THAT guy is a Christian?” That would really stink. Flat out, you basically just failed at the whole meaning of witnessing.

Don’t get me wrong….there is absolutely nothing wrong with being successful. Just don’t let it all go to your head and cloud your vision. Because believe me, it can and it will. Satan wants nothing more than to make you think you’re the best and you deserve it all. We need to keep our head on straight. Put blinders on, for Pete’s sake. Don’t go off track. Keep heading in the direction God wants you to, even when it seems hard. When you win, you need to praise Him. When you lose, you need to praise Him. Let others see you as a smart, respectable person who’s keeping his feet on the ground instead of being swept up in the successes of life that one day won’t matter. Because when all of this world collapses and nothing is left, all the achievements you got at work won’t matter. It’s all about Jesus, and trust me, Jesus is all we need. So go ahead, be successful. That’s what I’m gonna try to do, but always remember Who your life is for.

About allison116

I'm just your average girl trying to live her life for Christ. I've made plenty of mistakes, but I've tried to learn from them. I've had my fair share of struggles, pain, hardship, confusion, and tears, but God has brought me through the worst of it. Even when it didn't seem like He was there, He was. Even when I was mad at Him, He still loved me. I am who I am today because of Him and His love and grace, and I'm determined to live my life fully and completely for Him.
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