Girls, What is it With Guys?

Girls, sometimes it just seems like every other girl out there has a boyfriend, doesn’t it? They all have their knight in shining armor, and what do you have? Zilch. You want to meet your Prince Charming, but sometimes it seems like all you have is a nitwit in tinfoil. Maybe not even that. What is it that all those girls have that you don’t? Why are YOU the only girl without a guy?

Well, first of all, the world is shouting out the message that you HAVE to have a boyfriend. You HAVE to have the perfect guy. Uh, hello? That is SO not true! There is no rule that says you absolutely need to get a guy or you’re totally lame. Just because you don’t have a boyfriend is no reason to be down on yourself! It doesn’t mean that something is wrong with you, it’s just that 1) maybe you haven’t even met him yet, or 2) maybe you have met him, it’s just that God knows neither of you are ready for a real relationship, so you don’t realize that the guy for you is standing right there.

Say you’ve already met the one. If you’re surrounded by a lot of guys, how are you supposed to know who he is? Well, you may not be able to know who he is right now. But there are a few things to look for that might be able to help you figure out who he’s NOT.

Number 1: How does he treat you? If he totally ignores you, pretends he didn’t hear you when you KNOW he did, kinda brushes you off….that’s a good clue that he’s not it. You don’t want to get together with a guy who isn’t going to treat you right. The guy for you is going to be kind-hearted, loving, caring, and will treat you like a princess. Even before you get together, he’s gonna treat you right. A real guy is a guy who’s not ashamed to treat ladies respectfully.

Number 2: How does he treat other girls? If you see him flirting with some girl one minute, and then going and flirting with another girl the next, odds are he’s not the one, either. Your Prince Charming isn’t going to give his attention to another girl. He won’t cheat on you. Even before you’re together, he’s not gonna be hopping from one girl to the next. If he’s a a true Christian young man, he’s going to save all that sweet talk and love for a serious girlfriend.

Number 3: What kind of goals does he have? If he totally doesn’t care for his future and is content with being a lazy bum for the rest of his life, that’s not a good sign either. The guy you get together with needs to know, or at least have an idea, of what he’s going to do with his life. I’m not saying he has to have his whole life planned out, but if his answer is ‘dunno’ or ‘don’t care’ or ‘what the heck do you mean? i’m living with my parents,’ that’s a sign of somebody who, odds are, isn’t gonna do much with his life.

Number 4: What’s his opinion on saving yourself until marriage? If he keeps trying to pressure you into having sex with him even when you tell him no, you need to get away. A lot of girls give in and do it just to please their boyfriends because they’re afraid of losing them. Stand your ground. Stay pure until marriage. It’s a special gift that you’re saving for your future husband. Don’t let other guys use it and abuse it.

Listen, I’m not saying that he has to be totally perfect and have his life totally planned out and all that. Nobody’s perfect. We all make mistakes. He’s not going to always treat you perfectly. You aren’t going to always treat him perfectly. You’re going to fight sometimes. You’re going to get mad at each other. But true love passes over all of that. True love conquers all. True love waits. Just keep believing that your guy is out there.

About allison116

I'm just your average girl trying to live her life for Christ. I've made plenty of mistakes, but I've tried to learn from them. I've had my fair share of struggles, pain, hardship, confusion, and tears, but God has brought me through the worst of it. Even when it didn't seem like He was there, He was. Even when I was mad at Him, He still loved me. I am who I am today because of Him and His love and grace, and I'm determined to live my life fully and completely for Him.
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